Its the comedy situated in United state. The serie starts whit the Penny arrival, in the apartment front life Sheldon and Leonard, two physics working in the technologyc high-school on California.
Leonard: Is an experimental physicist with an IQ of 173, his mother is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist.
Leonard is also lactose intolerant.
Sheldon cooper: Is from Texas, he was a child prodigy with an eidetic memory who began college at the age of 11.
He finds many routine aspects of social situations and life in general difficult to understand and navigate.
Penny: An aspiring actress from a town outside of Nebraska. Penny lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard.
To pay the bills, she is a waitress and occasional bartender at The Cheesecake Factory.
Howard Wolowitz: An aerospace engineer, is Jewish.
He lived whit his mother Debbie.
Rajesh Koothrappali: From New Delhi (India), he works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech.
Also has very feminine tastes and often takes on a stereotypical female role in his close friendship whit Howard, but he insists that he is not gay.