dimarts, 27 d’octubre del 2015

Basic web 2: Email & Sharing


Configurar un compte de correu:Set up an email account
Document adjunt:Attachment
Adjuntar documents:Attach documents
Estar amb contacte:Keep in touch
Enviar un correu electronic a algu:Send an email to someone
Enviar alguna cosa per correu electronic:Send something by email
Safata d'entrada:Inbox
Respondre un email:Reply email
Adreça de correu electronic:Email address
Carpetes de contactes: Contacts folder


I use email for send an email to my friends, for send I need email address of my friends In my inbox i have all emails that people send me, i order all whit folders and contacts folder, for example, i have a folder named SMX, in this folder I saved all emails that are of the class.
Sometimes I send words or documents at friends thanks to attach documents.
In the email you need write the subject of the missage, and the topic about you talk, if you have not finished the message you can save in the draft, or you can deleted on the trash.

Basic web 1: Mobile phones

How to get online using mobile technology

Smartphone: telefonn inteligent
Padlock: bloqueix tactil
Browse: navegar
Browser: navegador
Turn off: apagar
Turn on: engegar
Screen: pantalla
Account: compte
Log on: iniciar sessió
Log in: registrar-se
Wi-Fi signal: senyal de Wi-fi
Device: dispositiu
3G connectivity: conexio 3G
Online services: serveis en linea
Password: contrasenya

What are mobile apps?

Download: descargar
Apps: aplicacions
Ratings: qualificacio
Upsell: augment de les ventes.
Setting: configuracio

About mobile data usage

Tablet: tableta
Social networking: xarxa social
Check emails: mirar correus electronics
Broadband connection: connexió de banda ample
Sign up: registrar-se
Range connection: Rang de connexió
Abroad: estranger
Roaming data plan: itinerari del pla de dades

How can I take and share photos on my mobile phone or tablet device?

Camera button: botó de la càmera